Ruth X. Guo, Ph.D.
Professor Technology Building 212Office: (716) 878-5919
Email: guorx@buffalostate.edu
Dr. Guo earned a Ph.D. degree in Technology Studies and an M.A. degree in Education from the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada.
Research Interests
- Integrating technology into curriculum
- The use of video feedback for improving teaching skills
- Digital Divide issues
- Constructivist pedagogy
- Video ethnography
- Multiliteracies
- Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy
- ICT assessment.
Courses Taught
- EDT500 Microcomputer Systems
- EDT601 Instructional Technologies
- EDT604 Authoring for Educators
- EDT610 Integrating Digital Video into the Classroom
- EDT689 Research Methods for Master's Projects and Theses
- EDT690 Master's Project
Guo, R. X. (2009). Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy in teacher education: A case study of the University of British Columbia. Köln, Germany: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.
Book Chapters (Selected)
Book chapter: Gareau, S.E. & Guo, R.X. (2012). Let's Take an Excursion! The Use of Museums in K-12 Teacher Education. In Émond, A.M. (ed.) (2012). L’éducation muséale, ses avancées et ses questions au début du troisième millénaire. Québec, QC: Éditions MultiMondes.
Guo, R.X. (2012). A case study of social interaction on ANGEL and student authoring skills. In H. Wang (Ed.), Interactivity in E-Learning: Case studies and frameworks (pp. 254-273). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.: IGI Publishing.
Guo, R. X. (2011). A case study of social interaction on ANGEL and student authoring skills. In H. Wang (Ed.), Interactivity in E-Learning: Case studies and frameworks. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.: IGI Global Publishing.
Petrina, S., Bartosh, O., Guo, R. & Stanley-Wilson, L. (2008). ICT literacies and policies in teacher education: A survey of preservice teachers at the University of British Columbia, 2001-2004. In T. Di Petta (Ed.), The Emperor's new computer (pp. 89-109). Amsterdam: Sense.
Petrina, S. & Guo, X, R. (2007). Developing a large-scale assessment of technological literacy. In M. Hoepfl & M. Lindstrom. (Eds). Assessment of technology education: 56th CTTE Yearbook (pp. 157-179). New York: Glencoe McGraw Hill.
Guo, R. X. (2005). Self-Assessment during online discussion: An action research perspective. In B. L. Mann (Ed.), Selected styles in web-based educational research (pp. 144-159). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.: Idea Group Publishing.
Refereed Publications (Selected)
Guo, R. X. (2013). The use of video recordings as an effective tool to improve presentation skills. Polyglossia, The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, (24), 92-101.
Guo, R. X. (2010). Video ethnography in teacher preparation. The International Journal of Learning. The International Journal of Learning, 17(7), 297-312. Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing Pty Ltd.
Guo, R. X. (2009). An ethnographic study of video data use in E-portfolio for teacher development. Polyglossia. Vol.16, 23-31.
* Guo, R. X. (2008). Audio design and visual design in digital video production. Journal for Computing Teachers.
Guo, R. X., Dobson, T., & Petrina, S. (2008). Digital natives, digital immigrants: an analysis of age and ICT literacy in teacher education. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 38 (3). 235-254. New York: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
*Guo, R. X. (2008). How pre-service teachers perceive their ICT competencies. First issue of Journal for Computing Teachers.
Gareau, S.E., & Guo, R. X. (2009). "All work and no play" reconsidered: The use of games to promote
motivation and engagement in instruction. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (IJ-SoTL), 3(1), 1-12.
Gareau, S.E. & Guo, R. X. (2008). The buzzer rang!-creating student engagement through educational games. Proceedings of 17th Annual SUNY Conference on Instructional Technologies (CIT), Genesee Community College, Batavia, New York, May 28, 2008.
Gareau, S., & Guo, R. X. (2008). Let's play a game: An investigation into the role of games in instructional technology. Conference Proceedings at the 2008 Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Guo, R. X. & Carey, S. (2008). Attitude change and knowledge transformation. Polyglossia. Vol. 15, 25-34.
Guo, R. X. (2006). Multiliteracies: Engaging ESL acquisition with environmental literacy through WebCT. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society.1(2), 126−133. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publisher.
Guo, R. X. (2006). Attitudes of pre-service second language teachers towards technology: The gap between the educational system and changing technology. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 1(1), 24−29. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publisher.
Carey, S. & Guo, R. X. (2003). Conditions for ESL acquisition on WebCT. The International Journal of Learning, 9, 491−498. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publisher.
Guo, XQ. R. (2002). Language acquisition through self-assessment. In B. L. Mann (Ed.), Conducting research on Web-based teaching and learning (in press).
Carey, S. & Guo, XG. R. (2002). Conditions for ESL acquisition on WebCT. In M. Kalantzis & B. Cope (Eds.), Learning Conference Proceedings. Altona, Australia: Common Ground Publishing.
*Not currently available. Dr. John Thompson, the Editor of the Journal for Computing Teachers explained: "ISTE redid its website in September and has had problems with the JCT materials. I've been "encouraging" them for five weeks to get all the material back online at the site but they're still working on it. I'm not very happy with their inability to fix the problem in a more timely manner."
Guo, R. X. (September 2012). Teacher Holocaust: Stories from the Chinese Cultural Revolution: 1966-1976 presented at the Anne Frank Project Conference 2012, SUNY Buffalo State University.
Guo, R.X. (2012). The use of video recordings as an effective tool to improve presentation skills. Paper presented at the 2012 ISSOTL Conference held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.;
Award for Outstanding Achievement as a Volunteer and Service-Learning Center 2008 Faculty Fellow