Ramona R. Santa Maria, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Technology Building 208Office: (716) 878-3250
Email: santamrr@buffalostate.edu
Ramona R. Santa Maria, a faculty member in the Computer Information Systems Department at Buffalo State College since 1999. She is currently an associate professor. She holds a Ph.D. in social foundations from the University of Buffalo with a concentration in critical and cultural studies of information technology. Within the CIS department she coordinates the CIS Internship program and Computer Fundamentals course.
Research Interests
Her research interests include the social impacts of technology on women and minorities and classroom technology integration. Other research interests include emerging technologies social media and web 2.0 opportunities for education, as well as, integrating technology in the K-16 classroom.
Santa Maria has won several awards for excellence in teaching, presents research regionally and nationally; she is a New York State certified teacher in the areas of Business Education and as a School to Work Coordinator.
Buffalo State University, Campus Life
- (2010) Faculty Appreciation Award for Outstanding Teaching.
- (2008) Faculty Appreciation Award for Outstanding Teaching.
- (2006) Faculty Merit Award Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Buffalo State College, NY
- (2001) Hero Award, Office of Disability Services. Buffalo State College, NY
Buffalo State University, Selected Member
- Chair, Senate Bylaws, and Elections committee (2020-21)
- Chair, Commencement committee (2017)
- President's Council on Equity and Campus Diversity (2010-2012)
- Emerging College Leaders program (2010)
SUNY: United University Professions (UUP), State-wide Appointment
- Part-time Concerns Committee (2008-present)
- VOTE-COPE regional coordinator (2018-present)
- Future of Higher Education (2018-present)
- Technology Issues Committee (2008-2018)
- Task Force on Pay Equity Based on Race (2012-2016)
Chapter Affiliation Leadership
- Computer Information Systems department representative (2018-present)
- Officer for Part-time and Contingent faculty, Elected Representative (2013-present)
- Academic Delegate (2009-present) (Re-elected)
- Elected Steward (2011-2013)
- Elected Academic Delegate (2009-present)
Conference Presentations
New York State Sociological Association (2019) "Undergraduate Experiential Learning Programs: Creating Benefits, Develop Essential Skills and Foster Leadership." Rochester, NY.
Cengage publishing conference (2013) "Digital Teaching in 2013", New York City, NY.
Banerjee, S., Santa Maria, R. (2013). A Study of Students’ Perception of Computer Education: Lack of Interest in STEM Fields for Female Students. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 8(4), 93-106.
Banerjee, S., Santa Maria, R. (2012). A Study of Students' Perception of Computer Education: Lack of Interest in STEM Fields for Female Students. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. (revising for accepted publication).
Knowles, M., Santa Maria, R. (2012). The Computer is Human: A Media Analysis of the "Get a Mac" Campaign. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7 (6).
Santa Maria, R. (2011). More access to technology, more "othering". Narratives from urban high school students. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS), 4 (21). ISSN: 1944-6934.
Santa Maria, R. (2011). Representations of gender in the "Get a Mac" ad campaign. Ubiquitous Learning: an International Journal, 3.
Santa Maria, R. (2011). Classroom technology: The problems that inner-city students see, New York State Sociological Association (NYSSA), 2010 proceedings: Available here.
Santa Maria, R., Huff, K. (2010). Past Presidents Share Strategies for Writing and Dissemination: Publishing is not Rocket Science. NERA Researcher (Northeastern Educational Research Association), 48(I).
Santa Maria, R. (2010). Schools and the Hybrid Technologist: A "New" Employment Arena that Straddles both White- and Blue-collar Positions. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 6.
Santa Maria, R. (2009). Technology Shifts Equate with New Challenges: Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives, and Classroom Technology Use in Urban Schools. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 5(6).
Santa Maria, R. (2008). Employment Expectations: Urban High School Students Narrate the Possible Outcomes Associated with Learning Classroom Technology. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 4(5).
Santa Maria, R. (2007). Are These the Technology Skills Needed for Our Future?: Students Give their Interpretation of a Technology-Centered Urban High School in Upstate NY. Conference proceedings. New York State Association for Computers and Technology in Education (NYSCATE).
Santa Maria, R. (2004). Service learning: affecting college students view on the urban environment. In G.J. Dimitriadis & D. Vater (Eds.), New Scholars, New Directions: the 10th annual GSE student research symposium proceedings. Buffalo, NY: GSE Publishing.
Santa Maria, R., et. al. (2004). College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Examination Questions: Information Systems & Computer Applications. New York, NY: The College Board.
Academic Review
- Peer review (2012, 2011), Journal of International Students (IJS)
- Volume editor (2011, 2010), Educational Studies Journal, American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
- Editor (2011, 2010), Educational Studies Journal, American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
- Academic Advisory Board Member (2011, 2010). McGraw-Hill Publishing
Santa Maria R. (2013). Featured presenter, "That was SO yesterday....What will you do tomorrow?", Pearson Education's professional development series, Syracuse, NY.
Presenter (November 2012). "Negotiating textbook prices and e-options: How professors help students" at BSC student club, NYPIRG, "textbook graveyard" event.
Keynote Speaker
Santa Maria R. (2013), "Liven it up! Using Different Classroom Technology", Pearson Education’s IT Customer Appreciation Dinner, Amherst, NY
Santa Maria, R. (2010). Using Technology in the Classroom . PHIT 2010: Prentice Hall Information Technology Symposium for Educators, Skaneateles, NY.
Santa Maria, R. (2009). Why is ethical research and important?. 10th Annual Penn York Undergraduate Research Association Conference, Hilbert College, NY.
Featured presenter (2012). History, technology & social media. Social Media 2012, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY. Available here.
Santa Maria, R. (2011). Access and Exposure to Technology: What "othering" looks like in a 21st century technology-based high school. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Santa Maria, R. (2010). The New Industrial Laborer: Hybrid Technologist as a "New" Employment Position that straddles both White- and Blue-Collar Industries (Virtual presentation). International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society Learning. Berlin, Germany.
Santa Maria, R. (2013) Career exploration day: What you choose may not be where you land: Studying, education, computers and sociology. Holy Angels Academy, Buffalo, NY
Santa Maria, R. (2013) "Computer *Fun*damentals: New lessons new lessons in Word & Excel (...and the Internet, too)". T4: Teachers and Technology Think Tank: A Conversation of Teachers Sharing Ideas for Technology in the Classroom, Elmwood Franklin School, Buffalo, NY
Santa Maria, R. (2013) College Panel: We need YOU! Why young women should consider a major in Computer Science (and related STEM fields), Mount Saint Mary Academy, Kenmore, NY
Santa Maria, R. (2012) "History, technology & social media" Social Media 2012, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY. Available here.
Santa Maria, R., Banerjee, S. (2011). "Using Undergraduate Teaching Assistants to Increase Engagement and Success in Introductory Computer Courses" 12th annual Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum, Buffalo State College, NY.
Santa Maria, R., Knowles, M. (2011). "The Computer is Human: A Media Analysis of the "Get a Mac" Campaign", 12th annual Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum, Buffalo State College, NY.
Santa Maria, R. (2010). What does classroom technology look like in an economically challenged High school? Inner-city students discuss their perception(s), the academic frustration(s), and future limitations, New York State Sociological Association (NYSSA), Tomplins Cortland Community College, Dryden, NY.
Gallant, C., Santa Maria, R. (2010). Update your technology toolbox: Free web resources to enhance your lessons, Niagara's Exploration of Technology in Teaching (NETT), Niagara County Community College, NY.
Expert Interviews
Expert interview, WIVB's Al Vaughters, (June 4, 2012). "Facebook May Allow Kids Under Age 13".
Expert interview, WBEN staff reporter, (March 7, 2012) Local First Impressions of New iPad. WBEN News Radio 930 am and 107.7 FM.
Pasciak, Mary B. (January 30, 2011). Whiteboards add color to old-school lessons, Buffalo News. Perspectives, p. 42.
Bailey, M., (2010). Expert interview, WGRZ-TV. "Local State Worker Fears Cuts".
Dewey, J., Yusupova, N., SantaMaria, R. R., & Perry, E. (2008). Special Report for Women in IT: Educational opportunities. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Tech Republic's Women in IT podcast series.
Joshi, P. (2008, September 10). College Education and IT Unemployment. Wash Tech.
Banerjee, S., Mazur, N., Santa Maria, R., & Sherman, B. (2012, 2013). Google, Inc. "Discovering Computer Science", Buffalo State University.
Equity And Campus Diversity Program Grant: full proposal amount awarded (2013). "A celebration of computing: Computer Science Education Week".
McGraw-Hill Publishing (2012). Secured $300 donation for students prizes for "A celebration of computing: Computer Science Education Week".
Banerjee, S., Mazur, N., Santa Maria, R., & Sherman, B. (2012). "Discovering Computer Science", Buffalo State College (BSC) CS4HS (proposed $15,000 funding). Buffalo, NY: Google Inc.
Buffalo State College
Mini-Grant (2013): "Assessing Trainer Readiness for Social Media in Training - Breaking Through the Noise".
Mini-Grant (2012): Development of 'Nuggets of Knowledge'. Center for the Development of Human Services (CDHS)
Mini-Grant (2010): Overhaul ECDSS Orientation Manual. Center for the Development of Human Services (CDHS)
Mini-Grant (2007): Re-develop and Re-design: Erie County Departmental of Social Services Employee Education Program (ECDSS-EEP) Website. Center for the Development of Human Services (CDHS).
University at Buffalo
Mark Diamond Research Fund (2007), $2,000 grant to support graduate student dissertation research. University at Buffalo, NY.
Off-campus Service
Kenmore-Tonawanda UFSD: "Virtual Enterprise and Finance Academy", Kenmore, NY.
- Advisory Board 2012-present
Epilepsy Association of WNY Buffalo, NY
- Board of Directors (2010-2018)
- Secretary (2011-2015)
- Co-Chair, 3rd Annual Wear Purple Epilepsy Awareness Fundraiser, Epilepsy Association of WNY (March 2012)
**In November 2012, Ramona Santa Maria traveled to Chicago, Illinois and participated in McGraw-Hill's Technology Focus Group. The purpose of the meeting of selected faculty was to ask participants for feedback to help design the best textbooks, technology, and products McGraw-Hill can offer faculty and students.